Charity Rocks: Benefit & Joy With Triple Aid Project in Romania
For the 3rd time since 2010 Benefit & Joy was in Bechet, Romania. Twelve volunteers carried out three big aid projects between September 8thand 17th:
1. Housebuilding for needy families
Initialized in 2010 with a bigger aid organization, this project was now completed by Benefit & Joy.
Benefit & Joy has donated eight heating systems with a total value of 5.000 euros. Also the team has plastered one house completely and has built an addition to the house for the heating system. This work included the foundation with a reinforcement and concrete. Now the team has made sure that the Glavan family with their little son Kristian can move into the new house within a short period of time, which means they can escape from their truly poor and cramped living conditions into a brighter future.
2. Computer Room and Courses for the Rural Area
2nd aid project was to install a public computer room in the library of Bechet. The Benefit & Joy Team installed 10 workstations including printer, monitors and tables. On Friday, the 14th of September 2012 the computer room was opened to the public with a special ceremony through mayorIonele Gheorghe, principal Ileana Costa and Daniella Groothuis (chairwoman of Benefit & Joy) in the presence of many citizens and the whole Benefit & Joy team. “Education is the key to a better future. For a healthy and strong Europe we need to make sure that the poor and rural areas get connected to modern times, especially in Eastern Europe”, said Daniella Groothuis in her opening speech. Also she said that Benefit & Joy will make any effort to work on overcoming barriers in people’s heads. Benefit & Joy also has arranged and will finance computer courses in Bechet in order to make sure that the people learn to deal with new media and hopefully it will become routine for them within a certain period of time.
3. 1.500 kg of kind donations for the needy people with low income
The 3rd aid project was about supplying 100 families with kind donations, predominantly clothing and household products. The municipality had made a list with needy families who have a monthly income under 100 euros.
Benefit & Joy will continue to work with and for Bechet. Hereby we hope to make our small contribution to the integration of Europe. „Three years ago we came here as strangers, but now we leave as friends – this development makes all team members very happy“!
Soon we will add more pictures and information in our section “Aid Projects 2012”. We will also have a video.
You can visit our site on Facebook in the meantime.
Your Benefit & Joy Team
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